Muhammad (Innocense of Muslims) Response - Hamza Tzortzis
Seeking Knowledge is an obligation on every Muslim in Islam
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Deaf Muslims sharing the Message of Islam - TheDeenShow
Jesus Christ or Prophet Muhammad? TheDeenShow
Celebrity Campaign inviting floyd Mayweather and 50 cent to Islam on TheDeenShow
Former Night Club Owner Hindu Priests son accepts Islam
Catholic born again Christian becomes Agnostic then accepts Islam - TheDeenShow
Muslim NFL Football players and Islam -TheDeenSHow
"Justice for Sameer Barakat" Murdered during Ramadan -TheDeenShow
Islam protects women from being Sex objects - TheDeenShow
Muslims and Christians working together for a better tomorrow with Dr Ken Bedell -TheDeenShow
Why Young 20 year old Isa entered Islam
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Are you partying, smoking weed, being promiscuous and still not happy? TheDeenShow
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How can I get my wife to wear Hijab? TheDeenShow
Story from Christianity to the Nation of islam to True Islam - TheDeenshow
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A Muslim Sister asking for a push to wear Hijab in Islam - TheDeenshow
Are you Grateful and thankful to God? TheDeenShow
Islam is for all people no matter what your nationality -TheDeenshow
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Live filming of TheDeenShow Advice to Muslims struggling in Islam
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A Muslim who doubted Islam because of muslims-TheDeenShow
Two brothers accepting Islam and becoming Muslim Amazing! TheDeenShow
Muslim girl goes to wedding Party dances then dies - TheDeenshow
Islam compares backbiting to Cannibalism- TheDeenshow
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Former Christian talks about Dawah ,Dajjal/Anti-Christ and Islam-TheDeenShow
Valentine's day? TheDeenshow
Jay-Z Kanye West Celebrity Tour Manager accepts Islam and becomes a Muslim-TheDeenShow
Do you fear Islam and Muslims coming to your town? Then watch this! TheDeenShow
Be a Muslim enter Islam and attain Paradise Forever - TheDeenShow
"Great Sex has Genuine Emotions with it" Psychotherapist Yassir Fazaga on TheDeenShow
Pure Monotheism of Islam vs Pagan beliefs and Superstitions-TheDeenshow
Top 8 Reasons why Jesus Christ is not the "Son of God" - TheDeenshow
Is Christmas or Santa in the Bible? TheDeenShow
Keeping Marriage together as a Muslim family in Islam - TheDeenShow
Thank God and stop complaining - TheDeenShow
Stop teaching back home culture, Teach ISLAM! TheDeenShow
Why Former US NAVY Catholic Accepted ISLAM? TheDeenShow
Evil effects of Sex before Marriage in ISLAM?-TheDeenShow
Hinduism,Judaism,Christianity or ISLAM Approved by God or not?? - TheDeenShow
Islam and Muslims, Life and Purpose all at TheDeenShow
False Attacks on Islam and Muslims-TheDeenShow Guest Khalid Yasin
Islam provides Scientific facts and evidences to prove it's from God- TheDeenShow
Must Watch! Why Catholic Christian Colombia Gangster accepted Islam? The Deen Show
Islam on partying, dating and more - TheDeenShow
Muslims and Christian talk about Islam and Quran - TheDeenShow
All Former Christian Panel of Muslims answering Questions on Islam
Watch Muslim Provide amazing Evidence that the Quran and Islam is Miraculous - TheDeenShow
Muslims describing the way to be upon the truth with Islam - TheDeenShow
Muslims These are the Details of Death in Islam - TheDeenShow
Hey are you prepared for Death? TheDeenShow
Cool Muslim in Islam
Do Muslim Women have Any Rights in ISLAM? TheDeenShow
Dr.Tawfique Chowdhury on Islam and Muslim back home culture - TheDeenShow
Why Christian Scholar Dr. Derks accepted Islam PT 2 - TheDeenShow
Why Christian Scholar Dr. Derks accepted Islam - TheDeenShow
Did Jesus really die for our sins Islam and Former Christian say no way ?
Muslim Bible Scholar talks Original sin and Islam?
Yusuf Estes on Muslim Prophets of Islam part 3
Islam shows you how to Control the evil desires - TheDeenShow
Muslim Prophets of Islam with Yusuf Estes Pt 4 - TheDeenShow
Yusuf Estes on Islam and the final Prophet sent to mankind Muhammad - TheDeenShow
Bible Scholar Dr Zakir Naik proves Jesus never became a God on TheDeenShow
Michael jackson Muslim Marriage and Islam - TheDeenShow
Muslim Marriage in Islam - TheDeenShow
New Muslim initiation into Islam - TheDeenShow
Yasir Qahdi on what new Muslims in Islam have to do - TheDeenShow
Islam and Muslims in the original America - TheDeenShow
Islam solves your Money problems - TheDeenshow
Muslims need Hadith in Islam - TheDeenshow
Muslim youth of Islam - TheDeenShow
Islam Muslims and Global warming - TheDeenShow
Islam Christmas & Pagan Holidays - TheDeenShow
Misconceptions on Islam and Muslim with Yasir Qahdi - TheDeenShow
Why Muhammed ALi's bodyguard accepted ISLAM
How Islam deals with Peer Pressure "DC Hidayah 2011" - TheDeenShow
Islam protects you and your kids from evil - TheDeenShow
Why Baba Ali went from satanism to Islam
Islam is the only way to avoid hellfire and get Paradise - TheDeenShow
Islam protects Women from scum bags - TheDeenShow
Muslims have to pray in Islam - TheDeenShow
Former Christian Scholar reveals facts about the Bible - TheDeenshow
A new Muslims Jihad with Islam - TheDeenshow
Why this Bosnian Musician came back to Islam - TheDeenShow
Islam and the how the Quran came together - TheDeenShow
Islam and The Divine Quran - TheDeenShow
Is the Christian Trinity Confusion? TheDeenShow
Why James accepted Islam and became a Muslim - TheDeenShow
Muslim gangster gets stabbed - TheDeenShow
Islam and the Muslim Prophets with Yusuf Estes Pt5 - TheDeenShow
Must watch! Prophet Muhammed Islam under attack - TheDeenShow
Islam and the founding of America? TheDeenShow
Is Jesus God? Harvard Scholar says no! Part 2 TheDeenShow
Is Jesus God? Harvard Scholar says no! TheDeenShow
What's Islam say about Muslims having sex outside of Marriage? TheDeenShow
Is Islam and the Quran really from God - TheDeenShow
The Atheist who accepted Islam
Why JayzFreeway accepted Islam? TheDeenshow
100 percent Proof Muhammad was a Propht
Muslims have to invite people to purpose of life
Why are you not submitting to God? TheDeenShow
Is Jesus and God like Father and son? TheDeenshow
Hiphop Music industry of the devil - TheDeenshow
Why Omar came back to Islam - TheDeenShow
The Muslim Ramadan in Islam
Muslim sharia law and Islam - TheDeenShow
Ahmed bukhatir on Islam and the Last Breath -TheDeenShow
Fake Religions exposed -TheDeenShow
This life or the next - TheDeenShow
Good People going to hell? TheDeenShow
Why Boona Muhammad started practicing Islam? TheDeenShow
Muslim Manners and Islam -TheDeenShow
Meet Muslim Sanel- TheDeenShow
Why Abdullah Rolle accepted Islam- TheDeenShow
How to raise child in Islam - TheDeenSHow
Why the Buddhist accepted Islam- TheDeenshow
What's the key to eternal Paradise In Islam? TheDeenShow
Q&A session for Muslims to answer Dunya Dunya- TheDeenShow
Unseen World of the devils -TheDeenShow
The Islamic Muslim ID - TheDeenShow
Was Jesus a Lunatic or Lord? TheDeenShow
Top 5 false claims against Islam -TheDeenShow
Thug or a gangster - TheDeenShow
Patients in Islam - TheDeenShow
Importance of Patient in Islam-TheDeenShow
Muslims follow Jesus Christ more then the Christians- TheDeenshow
Muslims Getting Spiritual in Islam - TheDeenShow
Asking Muslims tough Questions on Islam -TheDeenShow
Avoiding Muslim Innovations in Islam - TheDeenShow
Check out this 6 year old Muslim boy- TheDeenShow
What kind of friends can a Muslim have in Islam? TheDeeShow
Islam says Muslims must have Safe sex - TheDeenShow
Islam and the Test of life - TheDeenShow
Muslim and Islam in American Congress - TheDeenShow
Challenge Match Gracie Jiu-Jitsu vs kung fu -TheDeenShow
Former US Marine Accepts Islam -TheDeenShow
The Lies about Prophet Muhammad and Islam - TheDeenshow
Muslim Family in Islam how to save your Marrige- TheDeenShow
How to save your Marriage in Islam and Stories of Divorce - TheDeenShow
Spanish Muslims and Islam- TheDeenShow
Purpose of life Khaid Yasin -TheDeenShow
Smoking Marijuana and Islam- TheDeenShow
Why this famous historian and former christian accepted Islam?TheDeenShow
Uncover Islamic Mosque's and Muslims in America
Muslims and Islam in America
Top10 reasons Trinity is not valid by a scholar of Christianity -TheDeenShow
Check out these Muslim kids who do Islam
Why does Islam say chop the hand of the thief? TheDeenShow
Miracle of the Quran and Islam memorized by millions -TheDeenSHow
Evil of porn - TheDeenShow
Mo to Muhammed Addicted to Music? TheDeenShow
Jesus Christ was a Muslim -TheDeenShow
Dunya to Deen At ISNA
Why Justin accepted Islam? TheDeenShow
Things about Jihad and Islam every person should know-TheDeenshow
50 year baptist Missionaries now a Muslim in Islam- TheDeenShow
What is Sharia? Did you know Jesus called to Islam and Sharia? TheDeenShow
Muslims who follow Islam are the most modest people-TheDeenShow
How the Bible lead me to Islam -TheDeenShow
Partying wont make you happy Islam will- TheDeenShow
What kind of Muslim are you? TheDeenShow
Former Christian and historian says "Jesus never wanted Worship"
Islam gives you the answers to the Challenges of life
Top 5 reasons Jesus is not the begotten son of God -TheDeenShow
Taken from www.thedeenshow.com
Peace be upon you and thank you for tuning into TheDeenShow.
Let's try and give you an idea on who we are and what we are all about. Let's start out with this word "Deen" just so you understand that when we use the word "Deen" that were not actually talking about some guy named Deen.
The word Deen is a word that translates to "WAY" or way of life. Some Examples of how this word "Deen" is used from the VERBATIM word of God in the Quran are as follows:
Allah (God) Creator of the Heavens and the earth in translation says: The "Deen"(way of life) before Allah (God) is Islam (Submission to the will of the one true God alone) Quran 3:19
In another verse Allah (God) in translation says: Today I have perfected your "Deen"(way of life), and have completed my favor upon you (mankind) and have chosen for you Islam as your "Deen"(way of life) Quran 5:3
And whoever desires other than Islam as a Deen(Way of life) - never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers. Quran 3:85
We are not affiliated with any particular movement, sect, group, etc. We absolutely condemn in the strongest terms terrorism and any extremism done in the name of Islam and we refuse to associate ourselves with those who practice and condone such behavior and thoughts.
We're American Muslims here in the United States and it is our pleasure and privilege to help educate and share the true message of Pure Islam without cultural, traditional or nationalistic prejudices and corruption.
By watching the shows you will see that Islam is an open Book for all those who have an open heart and an open mind. You will start to understand Islam better and its views on Life. Many of the negative stereotype's one might have or has had thru watching the Media and listening to Gossip now will tend to fade because you were smart enough to go to the source and check for yourself and now finally true Tolerance and understanding can be built and maybe even a new way of Life, "Deen".
We love the true and pure Islam and the real message that it teaches:
Peace; Submission; Surrender and Obedience to Almighty God (Allah).
Thank you so very much for tuning in and we hope you enjoy the Show's.
Peace be upon you...
The Deen Show is an independent program without any direct or indirect link to any of channels or organizations utilizing our produced shows. Complete list of shows alongside the broadcasted materials can be found on our website at www.thedeenshow.com.
The Deen Show is free any Political and/or ideological associations of the channels or mediums that it is/ will be broadcasted on.
The Deen Show does not condone the propagation of any materials violating the United States Federal laws or State Laws whereby religious extremism and/or violance or any misguided ideas are propagated via the respective medium that The Deen Show “associates” itself with.
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The DeenShow is God willing sincerely and humbly trying to use the Media that we have available to help our brothers and sisters in humanity develop a better understanding about the pure Islam and the real message that it teaches: Peace; Submission; Surrender and Obedience to Almighty God and to clear up all the misconceptions anyone might have about this way of life that strives for peace. So if any broadcast television cable TV or satellite television station NBC, ABC, CNN, CBS, BCC, CNBC, etc... would like to Air TheDeenShow on their channel please contact us,
Thank you. And may God Almighty guide us all to true Peace and happiness.
Source: www.thedeenshow.com